19 July 2006


i texted.. i asked.. and as usual.. no reply. since, this would be nothing new, i was not disappointed. i would even be scared if there was a reply since, basically, i don't think i'm ready.. in every aspect.

i stopped myself from texting him.. because i don't really know what to say.. wel, there are things i want to say, but all would look very trampy.. and i don't want that. i even thought of sending out an email with his message, period. but that would be so, untimely. i think. i should wait till my birthday, maybe and make sure i have no extra baggage left.

as usual, this would once again test my patience. can i hold that long or if i'll be able to, would i still do it?

so far, i don't think i was able to do such.. wait to do something. i was able to wait, but was not able to do what i wanted to.. i was able to do things, but earlier than the period of time i've set. breaking my own words.

so, basically, i'm not over him. maybe i never will, since i almost had him. almost.

hmm.. let me make a list of the guys i almost had.. so, that excludes those who still wants me.

brian, chito, viktor, will, cedo..

and they all ended up on the same spot. girl friend. some already have, others on the rocks and the rest ended up having one, and that's not me. hmpf! heheh! but that's okay.. *with a tight tummy*

moral lesson of the story: run away from scenes that has the potential of ending up the same way with arms wildly waving and don't forget to scream.

but pretty much i was able to get over them eventually. i can't say who was the hardest to get over with. so, this would. well, all would.

the things is, until then i can't say..

but pretty much, learn from your mistakes and put your motto in life to use.

hmm.. i'm okay again!

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