19 March 2007

What Melody Does Your Heart Play?

As I've said, I watched "The Holdiay" again. I remembered asking myself, if I were a melody, what would I be.. This is the closest answers I could get. Some, I needed to take twice..

What Melody Does Your Heart Play?{Beautiful Anime Pictures}

Your heart plays with sounds of joy. You enjoy life, even when it has its downs, but you don't give in easily. When you're really happy, you find youself sometimes humming away with a melody you hear in your mind, but it always has an upbeat tune or its cheery-sounding. You have a wide range of friends and many different types of friends. Whether you have a few close friends or so very many, they all love you for your personality. You're either the happy, bubbly joyful one of your group of friends or possibly the comedian. Maybe even both. Whenever your friends have a problem, you're always there for them, and they simply adore you for that. And when you show even the slightest bit of sadness, they're there for you. You spread happiness and laughter whereever you go. Good for you!
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What Melody Does Your Heart Play?{Beautiful Anime Pictures}

Your heart quivers with the haunting melodies of sadness. Something happened to you long ago that you never quite got over, or maybe you're going through something right now. You feel alienated from everyone, and don't believe that anyone could understand you or help you. Sometimes you just can't see the bright side to things and you watch all the happy people run past you. You wonder and try to figure out where everything screwed up for you and why you can't be like one of those happy people too. You either have a few close (and maybe the only true) friends or you feel like you have none at all. Whether that be true or not, you still need someone by your side. And whether or not you're ready to admit it, youre scared to be alone. You wish things were different. You either want things to get better, which at this rate its seems like it never will, or just end.
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