24 July 2007

confession: anonymous reader

i limit myself into only two posts per day.. but i really need to write this one.

the confession: i have been browsing the blogs of my "supervisors".

okay.. so, i don't really see the harm there. or the wrong thing i've done, for that matter.. but i just don't want to be caught. or i don't want them to know that i know their blogs and that i can read whatever they have been writing lately.

our account has a lot of "history". and are still conjuring a lot.. i'm not sure if i'm already part of it.. but i doubt if i'm not. because they're really good at it. well, not just the sups.. most of the people.. but don't take me wrong, i do love these people.

maybe, it's just that, if i'm caught viewing their blogs, i wouldn't know what to say.. or how should i react. or if they ask, "what are you reading?!?" i can't just answer, "your blog." and it would be a big insult to their intelligence to say, "nothing."

so, here, i opted to view it at home.. and now, i've learned a lot more! i haven't read much though.. just identified who they are in real life.. and maybe, if i would get the urge again, i would visit their entries and know what's hapenning..

i really meant to get just a quiz.. but, curiousity got the best of me.. so there!

now, i'm thinking, if they were in my shoes.. and i learned that they have been viewing or reading my blog.. well, goodluck in deciphering! heheheheheh! this is actually the most transparent entry i've ever done. and i don't really mind. they would just end up assuming.. and most of the part, they would assume wrongfully.

i even had a friend, who i thought, was able to read right through me, read my entries here. and he was nothing but baffled. he said that he can't seem to figure it out. well, actually.. that's how my thoughts really are.. it's something you can't really figure out. because i, myself, am confused about it. heheheh! there are a lot of context clues though.. but you need to stick around long enough to know.

so, back to my confession.. okay.. what are blogs for anyway.. they sort of serve to be a diary or a journal, but you write it knowing that they're for public viewing.. so.. what would you really feel if someone is reading it.

okay.. this all started because a friend of mine thought that one of these bloggers wrote an entry about me. and it's really far from a positive note.. so, i read the entry and then, discovered, although the description would really depict me.. it wasn't me. i'm a hundred and one percent sure..

it's really scary to be part of their world. i really want to go back. but i'm already here. there must be a reason. i have found one already.. but i can't find the reason for having that reason. so, it's like i'm back to square one. plus, i can't get my mind off my jinx!

oh well.. that would be a totally different story.. haaay.. missed writing!

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