22 July 2008

adding art in my life

Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival is a film festival in the Philippines committed to the development and promotion of Filipino independent films. The organizers hope that through the festival, young filmmakers will be able to express their own concepts freely and not be limited by the industry's present condition, where artistic integrity is sacrificed in the pursuit of commercial success.

For the 2008 2008 Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival, I was able to watch "Baby Angelo" and "My Fake American Accent", with Kiki last July 18. I may have no pictures to show but I have my tickets here.. and they're student tickets, even if I fail to bring my ID.

Of course, we watched "Baby Angelo" because our friend, Ate Rhap, was on the film. I really think it was the epitome of Independent Films. With the mysterious, mind boggling plot and the type of cinematography, it was no mistake to be an Indi Film.

It's a story of a fetus found on the trash bin of an apartment complex and the search for the mother of the unborn child. And the lives of the tenants.

"Baby Angelo" would make you ask questions, but not all of it will be answered. It would leave you conjuring up your own conclusions. Which is sort of fun for me.

Congratulations to "Baby Angelo" for winning the Best Production Design.

Too bad I wasn't able to catch "Jay". It won Best Film.

"My Fake American Accent" was about the Call Center life. I'm not sure why I wasn't able to appreciate it that much. I asked myself if I would appreciate it if wasn't part of the world they were portraying, but if not, I might get bored as well. Sorry.. There were a lot of factors that I did not really like, but I would not dwell on that much. I'm not a professional movie critic anyway.

Well, it was a breath of fresh air watching those movies, or just by being with an old friend, or just by being in CCP and be surrounded by artists. We saw Eugene Domingo, Tess Jamias, Angel Jacob and the directors, not all thaough.

I still wished I have seen the movie with my friends the previous day, but I needed to go to work.

I'm planning to attend more events in CCP. I miss going to UP and watching plays, but it makes me miss performing, a lot. Soon again, maybe.

I have a lot of plans before the year ends, I just hope they will all come to pass. Well, that's for another blog entry.. soon!

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