01 October 2008


here's my favorite text message while waiting for the salary to reflect in our bank accounts:

" Bugtong bugtong..

ayan na

ayan na

di mo pa nakikita..




we'll i've been meaning to write those messages that i have received that reflects what and how i feel right now. but that would be too glum. i'm deleting them right now. but here's a few that i really like.

" Find someone who isn't afraid to admit that they MISS you.

Someone who knows that you're not perfect, but treats you as if you are.

Someone whose biggest fear is losing you. One who gives their heart completely.

Someone who says i love you and means it.

Last but not the least..

Find someone you wouldn't mind waking up with you in the morning, seeing your wrinkles, and your gray hair but still falls in love with you all over again.."

"Never be assured that love is enough to make someone stay or come back to you..

because when pain strikes the heart..

love fades no matter how great it was."

And there was this line in Star Cinema's Dubai, i watched it again with baboon since i stayed at their place during the whole weekend. Forgive me if i got this wrong, most probably I did.

"Alam kong dapat magpatawad. Alam kong dapat mag move on. Pero masakit pa. Kaya in time. In time."

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