23 July 2009

nice rest

i have promised myself that for 2009 i would not go on leave without anything planned for that day. i broke it last night. and it felt good!

it was really one hell of a week and i badly needed the rest. thus, out of the blue i blurted out this idea of going on leave for the second half of my shift. it may not be as wise because i would still need to go to the office. but it's really nice to have to rest. i can't bring myself to abandoning work really, so, going on half-day is not really a bad idea entirely. i get to rest and i still get to soothe the workaholic in me.

since the company is cutting down on some costs and our managers higly recommend that we go on leave so, my supervisor agreed even though it was just short notice.

i planned on having a desperate housewives marathon but after a few minutes or at most an hour, i was already sleeping! so, i resumed watching the dvds after my at least 8-hour sleep. and it felt like the longest sleep i had in a long time. then, after finishing the third season and failing to make the dvds for season four and five play, i started watching the private practice marathon.

i really felt bad that i was unable to finish watching desperate housewives. i had so much fun watching the series and i so want to see what happened next. although i already read the seasons' synopsis i would still want to see how exactly it turned out to be.

private practice is also good. it's just too emotional for me and not much fun as desperate housewives. it's like every episode was supposed to make me cry but i just don't want to. but still good. and i would be watching the series still if i have the time. i just wouldn't have much difficulty in pressing stop and eject.

the bottom line is, i enjoyed the extra 4 hours that i don't need to be up and about working. maybe, specially if i get tired and pressured again, i would be doing it again.

rest is good. this would keep me from quitting. not that i have plans to. at least in the near future.

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