07 July 2006


a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder

emotional distress; a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid

a somatic sensation of acute discomfort

cause emotional anguish or make miserable

there. proven my theory once again that i'm not meant to be happy for a long time. i'm still not sure though what to change or what to think because there are a lot of things that are different and a lot of things did change along the process. i'm sometimes thinking about how or why and what. i don't want to think. but keeping myself from thinking would give me headaches and a tremendous heavy feeling inside my chest that i'm no longer certain if it's something physical or something emotional.

i want to talk to them. or at least write. but i don't seem to be fit yet to do so. it was fun reading my past entry that has the same concept. i even thought of doing that but maybe not today.

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