2007 is almost over!! repost this with
"2007 questions"
1. Did you fall in love?
-- more of "yes" than "no"
2. Did you get any new best friends?
-- yeah!
3. Did you start dis-liking some one?
-- uhuh..
4. Did you get your heart broken?
-- as always...
5. If you could change some thing about
this past year, what would it be?
-- hmm.. snuffle..
6. Are you happy of how things turned out?
-- it depends on what aspect in life..
7. Did you get any tattoos? Where and
what of?
-- nope..
8. Did you get any thing pierced? Where?
-- naaah..
9. What's your new favorite color(s)?
-- nothing much changed there..
10. Did you do any thing life changing?
-- hmmm.. i broke up with stitch..
11. Favorite piece of clothing?
-- shirt from Polo
12. Did you go to any parties?
-- hmm.. can't remember.. maybe no..
13. Did you have any surgeries?
-- nope...
14. Do you like our president?
-- in a way..
15. Do you support our troops?
-- who?
16. Were you in the relay for life?
-- what?
17. Did you get engaged/married?
-- far from it actually..
19. What's your favorite thing you got
for christmas last year?
-- last year? did i get anything?
20. What's the thing you want the most
this year for Christmas?
-- haaay..
21. Has any body you loved passed away?
-- my grand father.. father side.. we're not that close.. but in a way i loved him.
22. How's school going so far?
-- still no sign of going back
23. Did you get any pets this year?
-- king kong
24. Did you have any "new" members added
to your family?
-- nope..
25. What's your favorite song?
-- Big Girls Don't Cry
26. Who's your favorite band?
-- PNE pa rin.. forever na siguro..
27. Favorite person in your family?
-- naku! si kuya amiel..
28. Have you had a job?
-- managed to stay with this one.
29. Have you been arrested?
-- mabilis tumakbo..
30. Have you been in trouble?
-- as always..
31. Have you thought about suicide/murder?
-- just a thought
32. Are you emo?
-- not really..
33. Favorite trend of the year?
-- not that trendy..
34. What decade do you wish you could
live in?
-- hmmm... not sure..
36. Do you have a crush on someone?
-- yeah..
37. Favorite quote/saying?
-- "I'm gaining on happiness and I am going to get there one day." - Ally McBeal
38. New Year's resolution?
-- none.. so far..
28 December 2007
2007 Questions
from 2007 to 2008
i am such a grinch.. i did not go home this Christmas day. i never thought i would be able to do such, even if i've been thinking of doing this for quite a long time now. so, there.. i've done it.. Christmas 2007.
so, where was i? i was in makati. i was with borris and mommy joy and kuya pat.. borris was sick and i can't really leave him all alone during Christmas day and feeling that way. so, there.
i had the most number of posts this year since 2004. it would be very easy to look back at the year that passed.
but whatever happened during this year, the most important question would be.. where am i right now?
i'm a single nicotine-caffeine addict that works as a workforce coordinator for a stingy account, with great friends and no love-life.
will it be the same after 2008.. for some factors, i hope it would be the same.. but for other aspects, i hope it would change for the better..
haaaay.. excited and disgusted at the same time..
11 December 2007
ex boy friends day
is it ex boy friends' day today or am i just.. should i say lucky? or should i say jinxed?
obviously there are mixed emotions here. so, how do i expect to find or get someone new?
or, maybe that's it.. it's not yet time to have someone new.
the funny thing is.. i'm about to have someone new.. and it's like the whole universe ganged up on me to prevent it from happening. i should have known it from the start. the signs were obviously there. and i kept on insisting that if there's a will there's a way. i've been asking myself have i done everything i can already. at some extent, yes.. but the more obvious fact is, no.. because if i have.. i'm not supposed to be writing this here.. and now. but i am.
it's written in the stars. it's just not meant to be.. and i hope.. for now. but if not.. and i'm
destined to be alone.. then, so be it.. i guess, i would be better off.
okay, so, chito was online.. and i'm now talking to stitch..
i bumped into harry, and king kong.. king kong's gone. fievel sent me a message.. but there's nothing really there..
poor snuffle.. i'm really sorry.. bad timing.
09 December 2007
talking about something I don't want to talk about
Longest relationship:
- a sum of 25 months
Have you ever thought that you were
going to marry the person you were
- yeah..
Have you ever loved someone so much
that it hurt?
- uhuh..
Have you ever made a boyfriend or
girlfriend cry?:
- sadly, yes..
Are you happier single or in a
- i'm not yet sure.. but it's better to be lonely alone, than lonely with someone
Have you ever been cheated on?
- yeah
Have you ever had your heart broken?:
- yup..
Have you ever broken someone's heart?
- not sure..
Talk to any of your exes?
- hmm.. i'm afraid of one.. i asked the other to stop talking to me, but be friends.. and the other is not talking to me.. just like when we were still together..
If you could go back in time and change
things to where you could still be with
one of your ex's, would you?
- maybe not..
Think any of your ex's feel the same
- no
Do you believe that you are a good
boyfriend or girlfriend?
- i did.. i need to believe that i am.
Have you dated people who were not
good to you?:
- yeah
Have you dated someone older than you?
- hmm.. just a year or two..
- yeah
Do you regret anything that you have
done with a boyfriend or girlfriend?
- hmm.. i pretty much like where i am right now.. and this would not be this because of the things that i've done.
Do you want to get married?:
- no longer sure what my answer is..
Do you have something to say to any of
your exes?
Ever stolen someone's boyfriend or
- not intentionally
Ever liked someone else's boyfriend or
- bwahahahahahaha!
Does heartbreak really feel as bad as
it sounds?
- yes.. and more.
Do you wonder how you're most recent
ex is now?
- sometimes..
05 December 2007
you should know that i should know
That's How You Know
Amy Adams
How does she know you love her?
How does she know she's yours?
How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?
How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?
How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?
How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?
It's not enough to take the one you love for granted
You must remind her, or she'll be inclined to say...
"How do I know he loves me?"
(How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?)
"How do I know he's mine?"
(How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?)
Well does he leave a little note to tell you you are on his mind?
Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey? Heyy!
He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday
That's how you know, that's how you know!
He's your love...
You've got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader
Each day do something to need her
To believe you love her
Everybody wants to live happily ever after
Everybody wants to know their true love is true...
How do you know he loves you?
(How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you need her?)
How do you know he's yours?
(How does she know that you really, really, truely-)
Well does he take you out dancin' just so he can hold you close?
Dedicate a song with words in
Just for you? Ohhh!
He'll find his own way to tell you
With the little things he'll do
That's how you know
That's how you know!
He's your love
He's your love...
That's how you know
(la la la la la la la la)
He loves you
(la la la la la la la la)
That's how you know
(la la la la la la la la)
It's true
(la la la la la)
Because he'll wear your favorite color
Just so he can match your eyes
Rent a private picnic
By the fires glow-oohh!
His heart will be yours forever
Something everyday will show
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know!
He's your love...
That's how she knows that you love her
That's how you show her you love her
That's how you know...
That's how you know...
He's your love...
26 November 2007
emotion test...DON'T CHEAT
write your answers underneath the
The answers are at the bottom, BUT
don't cheat.
Then repost this for others to answer.
1 .which color is better red,
black,blue or yellow?
~ blue
2. your first initial?
~ l
3. what month were you born in??
~ september
4. which color do you like more, black
or white?
~ black
5. name one of your friends?
~ eloisa
6. your favorite number?
~ 5
7. do you like flying or driving more?
~ flying
8. do you like a lake or the ocean
~ ocean
9. think of a wish, but don't
write it
1. if you chose:
red- you are alert and your life is
full of love.
black - you are conservative and
blue- you are spontaneous and love
kisses and affection from the ones you
love and give good advice to those who
are down. === true!
yellow - you are a very happy person..
2. if you're initial is:
a-k - you have a lot of love and
friendships in your life.
l-q - you try to enjoy your life to the
maximum & your love life is soon to
blossom. === not hoping..
r- z - you like to help others and your
future love life looks very good.
3. if you were born in:
jan-mar - the year will go very well
for you and you will discover that you
fall in love with someone totally
unexpecte d.
apri l- june - you will have a strong
love relationship that will last
july -sept - you will have a great year
and will experience a major
life-changing experience for the good. === the year is about to end.. i'm still clueless.
oct -dec - your love life will be
great,and eventually you will find
your soul
4. if you chose:
black: your life will take on a
different direction, it will seem hard
at the times but will be the best thing
for you, and you will be glad for the
change. ---- little bit tired of it === same here!
white: you will have a friend who
completely confides in you and would do
anything for you, but you may not
realize it.
5. this person is your best friend.
6. this is how many true friends you
have in your lifetime. == hahahah!
7. if you chose:
flying - you like adventure.
dr iving- you are a laid back person.
8. if you chose:
lake - you are loyal to your friends
and your lover and yourself are very
reserved and not emotional.
ocean - you are spontaneous and like
to please people sometimes.
9. this wish will come true only if you
repost this with the title:
23 November 2007
ilocos escapade day 3: beach day!
october 19, 2007
borris and i woke up very early to see the fishermen near the area and try to buy some fish. but then, there was not much fish to buy. maybe because of the season. so, there... we just took pictures and then, when we get back to the room, i had some sleep again! bwahahaha!
and then, beach day! we took a lot of pictures and enjoyed the waves as much as we can.
and during the night time.. we smoked tabacco and drank the "tequilla" we bought from yesterday.. then the other guests, those who were having a seminar, gave us some "boracay mix"..
and what a good sleep we had!
*no more blog entries for the other days in pagudpud.. just see the pictures.
20 November 2007
quotes from ally mc beal
Season 2
Episode: Sideshow
Billy: "I think you have, and always will have, self esteem issues and if you don't get the necessary affirmation from your husband, you might go someplace else to look for it."
Ally: "I'm gaining on happiness and I am going to get there one day."
06 November 2007
it seems that uploading our ilocos pictures will take a month..
and a lot has been happening lately..
my grandfather died last friday, november 2.. still went to work that night.
i was scheduled to be absent on monday, thus, i went to work on a sunday.. thus, you know what..
aagh! why did i have to give him the address to this site. but most probably, he already lost it or forgot it.. right? so, why am i holding back in writing things about us..
okay, just the basics and less thoughts..
- lunch
- had a drink or two
my dad of course went home. last monday, november 5, we picked him up from the airport. and received the new home of my cogitations! i'm still giddy! heheheheh!
i really need to write my letter for king kong. i think it would make me more sane if i get to finish it.
then, just today.. will asked to be my friend in friendster. after a gruesome ending i never thought that would happen. and since i'm not good in holding grudges, i clicked on "yes". then, saw his profile.. i think this is a new girl. most probably is. i'm not sure now, if it's a good thing or a bad thing.. and i can't say i'm happy for him. so, why is there a crunching pain in my chest? and i seemed to stop breathing? getting nauseous..
his big brother hasn't been online since my last message. oh, and if i'm correct, his birthday falls on the same day as will's. waaaaah!
haaaaay.. can't breathe well..
grrrr.... why did i give in to this segue.. i should have just patiently waited for the ilocos series to finish.. hmpf!
02 November 2007
ilocos escapade day 2: conquering ilocos norte!
october 18, 2007
having no clear idea where we're going.. we woke up early to go to laoag.
we had breakfast at a store in the pagudpud market.. we were so, noisy, but the owner was really nice. she gave us hot water for our coffee and instant noodles. a typical break fast in manila savored in pagudpud.
after the 2 hour bus ride to laoag, we went to the first museum we saw.. hehehe!
after taking gazillion of pictures in the said museum, our tummy's were already rumbling. we went to the city hall to ask for things to see and where to satisfy our hunger. we were directed to la preciosa, and there we met cris, our tour guide for the day.
we rented a jeep and together with cris we went to different spots in ilocos norte.
as gigi requested, we went to fort ilocandia. had pictures taken, of course. we bought a pack of tabacco as souveneir and had an appetite for ice cream.
we then went to a golf course on our way to the malacanang of the north. then we explored the old malacanang.
then,we went to the very beautiful paoay church. although, the church inside is very "new" the facade and everything you see outside is still very majestic.
we were like in amazing race as we rush to batac to be able to see marcos' moseleo. and gigi is such a big fan of the marcoses. thinking that it closes at 5:00 pm we are very much sure that we'd still be able to see it. but then, it was closed. and saw the sign, it closes at 4:00 pm. we didn't leave right away since gigi was so eager to see it today. with eloisa's charm and all. they opened the moseleo for us! and there.. the wax copy of ferdinand marcos.
before we head back to pagudpud, eloisa would not stop until we get a picture of anything "batac". since that's her last name and all. so, there. at the welcome ark of batac, she posed and took a lot of pictures.
we were so tired. and at last we reached laoag. we said good bye to chris and to our very silent driver.
we opted to have take out jollibee for dinner and we brought "groceries" which includes, tequilla! heheheh! it's for the next day..
on the pagudpud terminal, the next in line to leave was the same bus we rode yesterday when we first arrived in laoag! the conductor was able to remember us and gave us the same deal of taking us straight to our resort.
in the bus, we met this kid that came from school in laoag and goes home in another town that is about an hour of bus ride. it was really late. and we asked how old he was, he said his in first year high school and he looks like 9 or 10. his name is france.
we also met "nanay", the old lady who was jolly at first and ended up scaring us!
after eating, borris, eloisa and i decided to spend some time by the sea shore. shared stories and laughed. the tide was so strong. the stars were so many and so bright! there were even falling stars. i think i saw three. and i don't have any idea what to wish for.
such an eventful day.. but still can't wait for the next!
28 October 2007
ilocos escapade day 1: pagudpud, here we come!
october 17, 2007
we can barely do our jobs the shift before the flight.. can't wait! we were giggling and all that laughing.. nothing and no one can wipe away the smiles from our faces..
even if we didn't have any sleep (aside from borris), we were so energetic and lively!
it was our (me, eloisa and tina) first time to board a plane.. hahaha! we were taking pictures everywhere!
we had a very cute FA.. Jay.. haaay.. heheheh!
our first and unforgettable quote.. the FA (not Jay) was giving out the usual announcements before landing. and then said, "The weather in Laoag is.. (sounds like someone thinking very hard).. fine."
we have no idea how we'll get to pagudpud.. so, we asked around, and there! we were able to manage and find Polaris.
on the bus from Laoag to Polaris, we met a guy who was able to identify us from the plane.. imagine our noise level! he's a friend of the owner of Polaris.
in Polaris, we met, LEO (not his real nick name, we just can't say his real one), VER (same with leo, but we think his real name is Everett), and RAFFY (this one we got, easily).
our excitement made us forget our tiresome journey.. we headed to the beach at once! but we slept early, 8:00 PM!
unfortunately some of the people in manila forgot that i was in vacation. i was receiving work related text messages and there was a problem already.. oh well, workaholic that i am, i did what i can do.. but that's not much. the next day, i will leave my cell phone in the room!
24 October 2007
uploading pics from pagudpud!
i'm still thinking how to sort it!
i'll be doing the video on the weekend..
23 October 2007
haaay.. almost made me cry.. almost
45 things a girl wants but wont ask
for, though i personally ask for some
of this..:
1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.
Are you remembering this?
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends
1 1. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more,
deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say i love her
more than you, deny it. fight back and
hug her tight so she can't get to her
friends. it makes her feel loved.
Ar e you thinking of someone?
16. Always hug her and say I love you
whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around the
19. Tell her she's beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about
One last thing you need to do to show
her you actually do mean it.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to
her car- it makes her feel protected,
plus it never hurts to act like a
2 2. Tell her she's your everything -
only if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is
something wrong, ask her- if she
denies something being wrong, it means
just hug her
24. Make her feel loved.
25-kiss her in front of OTHER girls
you know!!!!*
26-don't lie to HER.*
27-DON'T cheat on her.*
28-take her ANYWHERE she wants
29-txt messege or call her in the
morning and tell her have a good day
at work {or school}, and how much you
MISS her.
30-be there for her when ever she
needs you, & even when she doesn't
need you, just be there so she'll know
that she can ALWAYS count on you.*
31. Hold her close when she's cold so
she can hold YOU too.
32. When you are ALONE hold her close
and kiss her.*
33. Kiss her on the CHEEK; (it will
give her the hint that you want to
kiss her).*
34. While in the movies, put your arm
around her and then she will
automaticall y put her head on your
shoulder, then lean in and tilt her
chin up and kiss her LIGHTLY.
35. Dont EVER tell her to leave even
jokingly or act like you're mad. If
shes upset, comfort her.
36. When people DISS her, stand up for
37. Look deep into her EYES and tell
her you love her.*
38. Lay down under the STARS and put
her head on your chest so she can
listen to the steady beat of your
heart, Link your fingers together
while you whisper to her as she rests
her eyes and listens to you.
39. When walking next to each other
grab her HAND.*
40. When you hug her HOLD her in your
arms as long as possible*
41. Call or text her at night to wish
42. COMFORT her when she cries and
wipe away her tears.*
43. Take her for LONG walks at night.
44. ALWAYS Remind her how much you
love her.*
45.sit on top of her and tell her how
much u love her and then bend down to
her face and kiss her while sitting on
yo u..ll never know when she needs just
a lil more love
back to the real world
just got home from our 5-night stay in Ilocos. and it's not that long as most thought it would be.
i would want to write more about our escapades there, but i'm too time constrained right now, because as soon as the plane landed in manila, all i was thinking about was work.. and i still haven't made up for all the work i missed during the vacation. hopefully tonight i would be able to finish everything. haaay.. well, if not for this job i won't be able to have that vacation in the first place, right?
i want to insert pictures too when i write about everything. since i don't have a digital camera of my own yet, i don't have any pictures yet. and i want to edit the videos i took first. so, 'till then!
just wait for my entry... i just hope i would be able to remember everything. well, the pictures would be able to remind me.
haaaay.. back to work!
15 October 2007
avoiding pain
why are Christians avoiding pain? When it does come to pass and it's part of living life?
am i a masochist for wanting those hurtful things?
i want the hurt of falling inlove. i would like to know the pain of losing someone because of death.
i was never able and i guess never will cry to my mom regarding my heartbreaks. well, because, it would just end up, her scolding me, worse, let our pastor know. eeeewww!
you need to have a Christian boy friend.. and you need to finish your studies first. but we don't have the money to send you to school, and we don't really trust the boys your age at church.
but i would be asking myself, what if? what does it feel like? is it that painful? am i strong enought to move on? how will i treat our memories together?
one question to be answered when thingking about marrying someone..
do you love this person enough to be able to stand the pain of lossing him forever? create more memories that would make it harder to let go?
love and death.. the hurts i would like to have. at least, once in this life.
i want to cry again.. but for different reasons. i want to feel and have emotions again.
08 October 2007
finished ally mcbeal
i was able to finish ally mc beal.. at last. the dvds were with me for more than a year. and it doesn't have season one. good thing is, i have watched most of season one.
it would be very difficult to pick a favorite episode.
but i really love it when they dance to barry white.
i can't help but cry during the last episode. i'm really not good with good byes. haaay...
i guess, it's good that it ended that ally has no boy friend. or else, it would not be ally.
aside from ally, i love john cage.. and richard fish!
07 October 2007
random questions
Guys Like That You're Sensitive |
![]() |
You Are a Dalmation Puppy |
![]() |
Your Japanese Name Is... |
![]() |
Your True Love's Name Is |
![]() |
Your Flirt Quotient |
![]() |
my secret crushes
i'm not sure why i don't tell my friends that i like these guys. maybe because i don't really really like them or, i often say bad things about these people. . bad! but there..
secret crush #1: mickey mouse
okay.. when i first saw him, i already told my friends that i have a crush on him. in less than 5 minutes after seeing him, i already got his name.. i really think he's so cute. but we all know i was just crushing when he's there.
then, i got to know him a little better. he's a snob.
then, i got to know hime a little more better. he's still a snob, but i learned personal things this time. he's kind of, pathetic.
now, uhmm.. we're like almost friends. he asks favors, he tries to get my attention with no reason really..
but i don't really like him, right? hehehe!
that's why he's in this list. oh yeah, he has a girl friend, who i sort of know.. and know more about.. so.. waaah!
secret crush #2: master sanity
i'm not a big fan of his features.. or so, i tell myself. but love his hairstyle. i'm really afraid of him. we never had the chance to talk ever andthen the dream. this freaky dream that he was so into me. and he's still not my crush back then.. i don't even think of him. i think, i just paid attention after the dream.. then i forgot.
then, he became my master.. sort of. then, we talk. and i'm still afraid of him!
this is a secret because, i really like her girl friend, although, i'm not really sure if she loves him as much. and he has personality traits that i have heard of that are really mean. most probably comes with the lineage.
secret crush #3: new crush ng bayan
i liked his features ever since. but he has a ring around his left ring finger. silver. not much interaction.. just one usual "hi!" smile. then, the meeting. but haven't seen him since. most probably he already forgot about me.
secret because.. i'm not sure. he's too good to be true. but i'm still wishing he's not yet married. bwahahahaha!
05 October 2007
questions from gemmerss
1. Story behind your profile song?
- i only have a profile song in multiply.. story behind it.. i am one.
2. Whats bothering you right now?
- work.. so-called love life..
4. Wallet?
- leather
5. Wallpaper on your computer's
- windows xp default.. tinatanggal ng mga kapatid ko kapag iba nilalagay ko.. hmpf! can't wait to get my own
6. Background on your cell phone?
- pon and zi
7. Jewelry worn daily?
- kampai bracelet
8. Where was your default picture
- in friendster, at home (dining). in blogger, at home (garden). in blogdrive, at frank's intramuros pad. in multiply, at robbie's house in meycauyan.
9. Eyes?
- dark brown
10. Doing this weekend.
- i'm still not sure.. sleep
11. Wearing?
- shirt and shorts... pambahay!
12. Where are you?
- bahay
13. Listening to?
- amber - back into you
14. Have you ever kissed anyone named
- nope..
15. What do you smell like?
- heaven! bwahahahha!
16 . Eating?
- none
17. What is your favorite thing?
- hmm.. machines excluded.. pen. but please, don't give me one.
18. Do you remember your dreams?
- seldom
19. Do you believe that dreams come
- where else do we get deja vu?
20. Do you believe in miracles?
- yeah
21. Do you burn easily in the sun?
- nope.
22. What's something you wish
you could understand better?
- john vincent tuazon and myself, together
23. What did you do last weekend?
- sleep
24. Who do you miss?
- ba_rockz, kampai, menan
25. Have you ever been in a fashion
- nope
26. Orange or apple juice?
- apple juice
27. Do you like the person who took
this survey before you?
- yup.. brainy.. hehehe!
28. What was the last text message you
- D k n 2mwag 2log k n ata. Inaantay ko ln c red pnta ko hospital takot kc ko pgwla ako ksma e.
29. What was the last text message you
- I miss you.. Kya lng, d mo q miss eh. In fact, ur sick of me na.
31 . What is the closest thing to you
that is blue?
- water jug
32. What was the last thing you ate?
- mom's macaroni
3 3. Last person you hugged?
- karen
34. Whose house did you go to last
- i was at the office..
35. Who was the last person you
visited in the hospital?
- can't remember.. batche's dad, i think.
36. Do you like someone right now?
- LIKE? a lot... hehehe!
37. What do you wear more shorts,
slacks, jeans or sweatpants?
- shorts at home.. jeans when going out.
38. What is the last movie you
- the girl next door in vcd
39. Where did you get the shirt
you're wearing?
- from my brothers! hehehehe!
03 October 2007
quick realization
it would be unfair to say i have never experienced love.. i have.. once.. and i don't think i'll ever get to experience it again..
cute survey from nessha
1. May pag-asa ka ba pag may gusto ka
isang taong 3 years ang layo sa edad
:: ako pa! loved by all ages! kaya lang sila ang walang pag-asa sakin.. medyo freaky kung 3 years younger.. older, pwede..
2.Maiinis ka ba sa isa mong kaibigan
kapag crush niya ang crush mo?
:: depende sa level ng friendship namin at ng pagkaka-crush ko dun sa crush ko... bwahahahhah! may ganon!
3. Ibibigay mo ba lahat para lng sa
mahal mo??
:: hmm... what do you think? haaay..
4.Wha t do you think of Sam
Concepcion??? ?
:: cute.. sounds like a girl in his song.. but i heard him interviewed on the radio and he was asked to sing.. he does have a voice.. cute..
5.F a ll Out Boy or Maroon 5??
:: maroon 5, any day..
6.What do you think of "girls making
the first move"?
:: it's alright.. as long as their not making the move on my man.. heheheh!
7.What do you think of pipol?
:: is this an abs-cbn survey?! i rarely watch tv.
8. Anung magiging reaction mo kapag
nalaman mo yung mahal mo may
girlfriend/Bo yfriend na?
:: ano'ng nagbago?! ano gagawin ko? ewan.. bwahahahah!
9. Panu kung tinext ka ng
girlfriend/Boy friend ng mahal mo,
nagagalit bkt mo daw tinetext ung
boyfriend nya??
:: kasi may load ako..
1 0. Pick one:::
----1.LOve suCks!
----2.LOve HuRts
----3.LoVe Is HapPy
:: love sucks
11. How is the weather today?
:: rainy.. hate rain.
12. panu kung hinihingi ng kaklase mo
yung picture ng mahal mo ibibigay mo?
:: bakit sya sakin hihingi? be resourceful gurl! heheheh!
13. Panu kung hinihingi ng schoolmate
ung cellphone number ng mahal
mo? ibibigay mo??
:: depende kung bakit..
1 4. eh cnabi niya sau kukunin nya na
lang harap-harapan kasi nga ayaw mo
: : okay..
15. Panu kung niligawan ka ng mahal mo
eh bawal kang mag-girlfriend/boyfriend??
:: i would let him know.. to see if he's up to the challenge.. for a change! letche!
16.Wha t do you think of "ligaw"?
:: missing?! bwahahaha! never ask permission!
17. What do you think of "ligaw sa
:: kung dun lang, corny ha? dapat isa lang yun sa mga ways nya..
18. What do you think of indians?
:: nothing much
19 .What is your favorite Maroon 5 song?
:: she will be loved.. sunday morning.. this love.. they're actually my favorite foreign band
20 . What is your favorite gwen stefani
:: sweet escape! bwahahahha!
21. your fav. kelly Clarkson song?
:: because of you
22. What do you think of street food?
:: missing it!
23. What do you think of Cadbury
chocolate ??
:: salmonela?! bwahahahahha! yeah, right! love it!
24. Ung crush mo ba nasa featured
friends mo?
:: wala po.. siblings and pamangkins ang featured friends ko eh.. :)
thanks nessha!
02 October 2007
50 questions
50 questions to boggle the mind in
your past & you
do miss them.
1. First off, what's your name?
- Laarni C. Lopez
2. Okay, but what does your best
friend/s call you?
- barn, larn
3. Have you ever kissed someone with
- nope
4. Who is the fourth received call on
your call log?
- ronald
5.If you could change your eye color
what would it
- green or hazel
6. What is the wallpaper on your phone?
- pon and zi
7. How many pillows on your bed?
- 4
8. Who was the last text message you
sent to?
- batche
9. What color is your shirt right now?
- pink
10. What was the best thing that
happened to you
last year?
- 2006.. can't think of the good things.. too many bad things..
12. Who's the fourth person on your
contacts list?
- lei
13. When was the last time you cried
from laughing
so hard?
- sobrang tagal.. can't remember
14. What school did you attend in
- Zion Center of Knowledge School and Jesus Is Lord Christian School
15.do you have a crush?
- a lot
16. Who was the last person that made
you laugh?
- eloisa
17. Do you like Quiznos?
- ito ba yun?
at syempre, research ko talaga.. resto pala.. heheheh! McDonald's na lang.
18. Who do you make fun of the most at
- tia mitch
19. What's the longest time you've
ever talked on
the phone?
- 12 hours and so
20. Do you think you've gotten more
pretty since grade school?
- definitely
21. Have you seen your bestfriend cry?
- who is my best friend? i'm a loser.
23. Do you dance in the car?
- yeah!
24. What do you think of hunting and
- adventure.. haven't tried.. but really scared to do so..
25. Do you and your bestfriend act
- loser!
26. What is a noise that you cannot
- when metal meets metal
27. Does your mom vacuum early in the
when you're sleeping?
- nope
28. Are your parents in love?
- yeah..
29: What does your 9th txt say?
- Kelan at san g2win bday nung dalawa? Sby n b?
30: Who sent it?
- batche
31. Would you rather sleep at a
friend's or have
them over?
- both
32. When was the last time you wrote a
note, and to
- medyo matagal na.. pero malamang last month lang.. kay eloisa
33.are you in love?
- still checking..
34. who do you miss most?
- many people and things
35. What do you smell like right now?
- something.. may sakit kasi si naomi eh..
36. Do you have a hard time admitting
- nope.
37. Who was the last person you held
hands with?
- djames
38. What shoes did you wear today?
- planning to wear sneakers
39. What makes you lose your appetite?
- pressure
40. What color is your laundry
- black
41. Last person you kissed?
- where?
43. Do you own any Levi pants/jeans?
- nope
44. Do you think those stores are too
- yes
45. How do you like your steak?
- well done.. hehehe!
46. Who's in your house right now?
- family
47. Where did you get your last bruise
- ewan
48. Where did you last go out to eat?
- brothers burger
49. List three things that keeps you
going in life.
- faith.. yun lang.
50. Is there someone you can't stop
thinking about?
- yes...
facing reality
CAUTION: i have my period and it's raining outside.
why can't i face the truth?
why can't i accept the facts?
why can't i mean what i say? or at least write..
let me rephrase that last bit..
why can't i say what i write?
okay, i can say them, but not to the people who are meant to hear those words.
i'm wrong. i'm the bad person here.. i'm the one with the personality problem. it's all my fault. whatever pain and difficulty i may be experiencing, i've brought this to myself.
nobody's perfect. but you perceive yourself to be. i can't tell you things i want to say. i'm afraid. i've always been. like i've said, from the beginning, i'm really scared.
what now? wait again.. ?! for what? let time pass by and make it seem that time has made everything forget. who forgot what? time forgot everything..
i'm tired, but i can't seem to do anything about it. i can't stop. am i addicted? maybe.. but..
define: addiction
- a state of being dependent on a certain substance, which is harmful or dangerous for the physical or mental health of the person, for his social well-being and economical functioning of the subject
- dependence on a substance (such as alcohol or other drugs) or an activity, to the point that stopping is very difficult and causes severe physical and mental reactions
- Strong emotional and /or psychological dependence on a substance such as alcohol or drugs that has progressed beyond voluntary control.
- A strong need for food, drink, people, or other things, which is extremely hard to resist.
can't live with it, can't live without it..
the promise of a better set up is just around the corner.. i just can't make the turn.
i'm sick and tired of drama, but this is where it leads to..
everyone else has given up. there are things they can't understand. i, myself can't, how much more them? well, they're not supposed to be involved in the first place, right?
i understand their care and concern, but in reality, there's nothing much they can do, but stand watch.. be entertained.
haaay.. this is like a never ending story that is desperately asking to end.
01 October 2007
words from ally mc beal
- express a negative opinion of; "She disparaged her student's efforts"
- To degrade by unequal marriage, as when a man or woman married someone who was not their peer--ie a countess marrying a simple knight would be considered to be disparaged, and her honor reduced accordingly.
30 September 2007
after the first "ber"
september has finally ended.. and i'm done. the worst has passed. hehehehehe!
i think everyone forgot about me already. stitch, king kong and chito.. it's a good thing.. right?
and i'm not really in the mood to look for new characters to talk about.. to think about.
there are a lot of things i'm looking forward to this october.
- bacolod.. or pagudpod.. or bacolod.. heheheh!
- the trip to jerusalem game in the office
- the senator stepping down her position
- and a whole lot more.. hehehhe!
21 September 2007
and it came to pass..
not that i anticipated it..
okay, a little.. but there. not much expectation as usual. thus, the surprises really made me smile..
thanks to everyone who remembered.. you know who you are!
king kong just climbed up the charts! stitch went down, as usual.. chito stays on the same spot.
hugs to 'stig and pink 5 and borta sr. and lots of love to ate faith.. she may never know it.. but haaaay.. thanks!
missed kampai a lot..
17 September 2007
a month of silence
and i'm currently having short term memory loss..
okay.. i do remember a lot of things. but they're supposed to be forgotten. so, why write about it?
a lot of things are actually about to come an end.
king kong.. a little. i think. i sort of hope..
stitch.. not sure about this though. i know it has always been up to me, so, i guess, this would be my call. right? the question is how.
chito.. he's just there because of mom. but then, naaah...
i need to be alone. we all need some time to be alone, right?
the senator and constituents are against me.. so, there's an ending too. i think.. too bad.
master yoda will be going too..
because of the season, i'm again, trying to fix my life. i know i can't, on my own. i would need all the help i can get.
it would be fun to sort things out in writing. but then, i already know the answer, before i ask the question.
for quite some time now, my YM status has been,
"If two people love each other, but they just can't seem to get it together, when do you get to that point of enough is enough?".. and i have received a number of reactions. others were able to identify where it came from. but so far, my favorite answer is..
"Enough is enough when it no longer matters if you love each other."
Haaay.. It actually gave me hope.
I'm not sure when I will be able to get my act together. Maybe this year. Or the next.
I will probably end up alone and lonely in the process. But happiness is a choice, right? I would need to work out the "alone" part. It sounds impossible, but feels like reality.
haaay... i hope, the right things will eventually make you happy.
16 August 2007
playing the game
.. again, i'm at the losing end. but i'm smiling. almost.
- glad to be able to wear my sneakers again!
- went to work early, but didn't bother to bring clothes.. wrong move!
- finished 4400! 'stig!
- didn't take a bath when i had the chance.. wrong move!
- the big red tagalog e-mail.. one down (antonym of "one up")!
- rained cats and dogs.. with lightning and thunder.. viewed from the 34th floor..
- the Burgundy Island
- kulitan with king kong
- went to stitch..
- watched "The Love Story".. even how hard I try to stop it.. tears fell.
- no sleep
- 4 hours of paid sleep.. no repercussions yet.. but i have this huge feeling it's another.. wrong move!
- Trinoma trip with borris, eloisa and jeremy.. ditched stitch in the process.
- went home.. for a change!
@ work - not hoping..
@ school - what?!?
@ home - who are you?!
@ love - ... huh?!?
@ money - no sense of direction
@ faith - hanging by the moment..
@ life - can we go a little faster?!
@ friends - never alone! almost.
@ self - blech!
13 August 2007
Aloha au iā ‘oe
10 August 2007
during the storm
i haven't been online for the passed three to four days because i was not home, because of the weather, a storm.. yeah, right!
i have been staying at borris, mark and mae's place.. and for the record, during my stay there, we didn't drink a single drop of alcohol. okay, i'm not sure if i will be proud of that.. but there!
that's the reason of the silence..
but not that silence. when i think about it now, it looks funny. but then, it was difficult.. almost sad. i know he would not break.. and, i hope and try, neither would i.
but it's the weekends again.. and i hated last sunday. i wished i was out, doing something less stupid.
now that i killed king kong.. i'm afraid to admit that i miss him, because i know he doesn't. maybe that's why.. i fought a koala and lost.
06 August 2007
i killed king kong
i want king kong dead. i need him dead.
okay, cueboy will only get half of the idea. but that's the point right?
well, because of the turn of events, i ended up killing king kong. i think it's already long over due. he should have died long ago. didn't have the heart to kill him.
now that i do. there. the only thing left to do.. is bury him.
i know it would be fun to leave his dead body there and let it rott or just throw in newspaper on top of his body and take pictures, but i think i need it burried. it doesn't need to be a decent burial. i don't even need the ceremony, but i need the after party.
i need to know how.
and the thought just came in.. i need help from stitch. i don't think he can make much difference. i'm not sure now what he's supposed to do. so, maybe, i just thought of him.
back to burrying king kong.. how?!
apathy? hate? ... forgetting...
the file has changed. do you want to save the changes?
are you sure you want to send king kong to the recycle bin?
are you sure you want to delete king kong?
yes.. i need to..
need to look up to keep the tears from flowing..
05 August 2007
pathetic excuse
posting the results of personality quizzes here is my pathetic excuse of an entry..
i've been avoiding myself. avoiding thinking.. thus, avoiding writing..
okay, reality, it would be impossible to avoid thinking, specially me.. so, i guess it's more of avoiding finalizing my thoughts. that's what happen when i write. my thoughts get a little organized, thus i would be able to think more.. and sometimes, if i'm lucky, come up with a conclusion to what's happening, inside and outside of me.
i love being in front of the computer.. browsing.. being online. but as i flip through the pages, there's always this question, "aren't you going to post a decent entry today?!" thus, browsing for cute/interesting personality quizzes to be able to post the result.
i gotta go.. b@d+12!p just entered the house.
addicted to personality quizzes
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ENFP) |
![]() Your personality type is enthusiastic, giving, cautious, and loyal. Only about 8% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 6% of all men You are Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
which sad love quote (that i made up) are you? |
![]() "my love for you ends as the rose petals falls" Take this quiz! ![]() Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code |
You Are a White Rose |
![]() You represent youthfulness and purity. Your vibe: Sweet and heavenly Falling in love with you: is like falling in love for the first time |


What is your favorite emotion to show? pics what does the world see

Take this quiz!

Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Your Reputation Is: Mean Girl |
![]() You rule through teasing and intimidation.. Yet, people would give the world to be your friend |
What anime kiss are you? (with pics, girls only sorry) |
![]() the 'goodbye' kiss. usually the most tragic but the most meaningful. shared when two lovers are meant to be apart and will never see each other again. AWWW!!!! Take this quiz! ![]() Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code |
03 August 2007
where are you?!?
You Are Picky When it Counts |
![]() Like most sane women, you want a great guy who will treat you well. But you're also willing to put up with a few flaws in your Mr. Right You should congratulate yourself on having a realistic approach to dating. You probably have quite a few great guys you can date! |
painful tears came out
for the longest time that i've been wanting to cry because of all the things that has been happening and those that i'm anticipating to happen.. i was able to manage, one tear on the right eye and 2 on the left.. and that was it! the first tear was actually painful.. physically.
honestly, i wanted to cry more. and it was the perfect setting because no one was home but me. but then, i wasn't able to produce a 4th tear.
01 August 2007
the simpsons movie
31 July 2007
wearing high heeled boots
... for almost 24 hours straight is going to kill your feet.
.. good thing, i've got (and it feels good to know that one has) good friends.
.. bad thing, there are things that hurt more than sore feet.
.. good thing, there are still things that would make you smile and even laugh out loud.
.. bad thing, there are still things that would make your tears flow.
saying sorry for nothing in particular, but for everything i have caused someone is one of my early steps in saying goodbye, in letting go.. which, would mean, i'm in deeper $h!+ than i have imagined.
30 July 2007
and it comes down to this...
Your Birthdate: September 18 |
![]() For you, love is a feeling that lingers for really long time - even after a relationship is totally over.In fact, you still make have strong feelings for the first person you fell in love with. You usually are reluctant to end relationships. And sometimes you're the last to know that things are ending! Number of True Loves You'll Have: 4 Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 1 You are most compatible with people born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th of the month. |
mind game.. i won!
1.What's the best love story
you've ever watched?
** the notebook
2. Do u think you're ok?
** yeah.. and bowing head slowly..
3. Song playing at the moment?
** transitioning from Christina Aguilera's "I Turn to You" to "Dear Mr. President" by Pink
4. One song to describe current
** unfaithful or lips of an angel
5. Accessories you usually wear?
** bracelet
6. Fave color(s)?
** green, purple, blue..
7. Ever donated blood?
** nope
8. Last place you went to?
** glorietta
9. Last person u went out with?
** people.. eloisa, boriss, mark and karen
10. The most exciting sport?
** UFC!
11. Ever had a permanent tattoo?
** nope.. how i wish..
12. Movie u want 2 watch?
** hmm.. land of women
13. Any piercings?
** wala po
14.The most romantic gift ever
** wala pa.. at wala na yata..
15. Act on stage before?
** missing it actually..
16. Struck by lightning before??
** not yet
17. Danced with your loved one before?
** yeah.. not as good as i thought it would be, actually..
18. Ever wished you could turn back
** naman! kahit may limit, okay lang..
19. One song that's meaningful to you?
** torn
20. Last person you met for the first
** can't remember the name..
21. What will you be doing tomorrow?
** trabaho.. trabaho.. sana sumweldo ng makapag-shopping at maka-gimik
22. Ever thought of robbing a bank?
** yeah.. almost had a plan..
23. One thing you totally regret??
** one lang?!
24. Do people like you?
** most.. or they just appear to like me.
25. What was the last game you played?
** mind game.. i won!
26. Someone who means a lot to you at
this moment?
** none.. maybe king kong, but not really..
27. The color of your mobile phone?
** black and silver
cool questions at last
1. may lumipad na bang ipis sa mukha
- can't remember.. heheheh!
2. hinalikan ka na ba bigla ng crush
m0 sa lips?
- opo... hehheh!
3. naging classmate m0 na ba yung ex
- hindi pa.. never.. di na siguro mangyayari..
4. dinedma ka na ba ng bf/gf mo?
- madalas.. di nya gets eh..
5. kinalimutan ka na ba ng bf/gf mo?
- di ko alam.. siguro..
6. panu kung hindi ka binigyan ng
allowance ng parents mo?
- di ko rin sila bigyan ng allowance pag dating ng sweldo! bwahahahahah!
7. panu kung napatingin sayo yung
crush mo habang nakatitig ka sa kanya?
- smile lang.. tapos tingin sa friend nyang mas cute! bwahahahha!
8. panu kung dalawa kayong mahal ng
mahal mo?
- magsama sila.. sawa na 'ko sa ganyang set up.. o kaya.. dalawa rin silang mahal ko! bad!
9. panu kung nagsasaya ka tapos
pinatugtog bigla yung song na nagpapa-
alala sayo sa ex mo na mahal mo pa?
- kebs! tuloy ang saya.. syempre ayaw magpahalata sa mga kasama..
10. panu kung nawala lahat ng
kayamanan nio?
- meron pa ba?! nasan?!? wala nang mawawal.. matagal ng wala!
what if..
11. nakita mong may kahalikang iba yung
bf/gf mo?
- let them see me.. kiss ko yung ka-kiss nya.. tapos kiss ko sya.. tapos alis.. winner!
12. nawala pera mo habang nagsha-
- uwian na!
13. nakakita ka ng bloody knife sa
cabinet mo?
- woaw! takot ako sa dugo.. malamang hinimatay ako..
14. nde ka sinip0t ng bf/gf mo sa araw
ng monthsary/anniversary niyo?
- may usapan ba?! malamang nasa maling location ako.. bwhahahaha!
15. may dumaan na multo sa harap mo?
- "pu+@n9 !n@" pero pabulong lang..
16. dinededma ka lang ng nililigawan mo
pero tumatanggap xa ng regalo galing
- hmmm... may kilala rin ako'ng ganito.. hindi pa naman ako nanliligaw eh..
17. may nagsuicide nang dahil seo?
- woaw! he/she is sick! walang kwenta kinamatay nya... hehehehh!
18. tumawag si sadako?!
- gusto ba nya ng sub?! pwede ako!
19. nagpakita sayo ang kaluluwa ni
elvis presley?!
- so, you're really dead?! isang "burning love" naman dyan.. video ko lang.. tapos upload ko!
20. nagka-crush ka bigla sa fwend mo?
- more group hug! bwahahahaahah!
21. nakisilong sayo yung crush mo kase
umuulan tp0s wla xang pay0ng per0 ikaw
- shucks! allergic ako sa payong kaya malabong mangyari 'to.. but just in case.. sya paghahawakin ko ng payong!
22. may nagtext sayo na papatayin ka
daw nia?
- reply ako: "san tyo mit?! go fastest!"
29 July 2007
not in the mood
for quite s0me time now, at least two days, i've been meaning to write a letter. but just here. for him..
but there are always things that stop me.
yesterday. because what i would be writing would probably too defensive and too pissed.
when i got home. there are unwanted visitors.
now. they're already up, and they're getting in my nerves.
i always thought of writing it during working hours. but then.. there would be too many eyes that will see.. and there's a lot of things to do.. really.
there will come a time i would be able to write the letter. i have too. i need too. everyone got their letter.. i think. and he so, deserve one from me..
haaay.. as i've told Pink 5 and stig yesterday at the deck in glorietta, "i need other things to think about aside from work."
then, i contemplated on the other aspects of life..
i then, realized, much needs thinking about of.. but, like work, i don't want to think about it and it seems to be pathetic thinking about them..
that would include, finances, family, so-called love life, religion..
so, what's left to think about...
i thought of fiction.. bwahahahhaahh!
then, thought of, friends.. who?!? where?!? when?!?
there.. i think, i would have something to think about, aside from work.. i hope...
waaaaaaahhhh! stop kidding yourself! you can't help but think about work and the tasks you are about to do and the stinking fact that after much effort you will not be able to meet the standards and be regularized in that position, because you simply don't measure up, and you're jinxed!
27 July 2007
i'll admit it. i'm really scared. i don't want to be in her wrong side. maybe she was just really having a bad day.. or something. waaaah! i'm really going over my head. all the negative thoughts are pouring in.. and i can't stop it.
i need her to write another entry in her blog that would be after what happened and i hope, please!, that it's nothing about me!
i sure hope she won't make a big deal out of it..
because, i will have no chance of explaining myself to her. and i really don't want to explain.. if i explain out of nowhere, she would know that i'm reading her blog. i'm thinking what would be my codename. waaaaah!
i really don't want to be part of it! please!
and even if she confronts me with it, i might sound too defensive. and i'm really not comfortable explaining myself to people i'm not close to.
oh well.. i can't please everyone, right?
it's not like i was doing nothing at that time.. and besides, it was already outside my shift.. haaaay..
maybe i'm more scared if she will tell that to bossing.. he really seems to be someone who doesn't take explanations. and it's really irritating to explain yourself to someone who is not capable of understanding you..
please! i'm really thinking of worse things that could happen..
i'm afraid that if there would be someone that would confront me regarding what happened, i would ask if he/she is also asking for an explanation or just letting me know that he/she knows that it happened.
fcuk! $h!t! it's really supposed to be nothing.. i'm hope i'm the only one making a big deal out of this.. please!
really scared.. really.. what would happen then?!? my jinx..
26 July 2007
no lying quiz
1. last beverage:
>> water
2. last phone call:
>> credit card company
3. last cd played:
>> zsa-zsa zaturnnah sound track.. all comes in mp3 nowadays
4. last time you cried:
>> really cried?! june 31
5. last text message to:
>> joray
1. green
2. blue
3. purple
1. Made a new friend?
>> yeah
2. Laughed until you cried?
>> tagal ng hindi.. huhuhu
4. Met someone who changed your life?
>> haaay.. yeah
5. Found out who your true friend?
>> yup
6. Is there something you want to tell
>> marami sila at marami ring sasabihin
7. How many kids do you want to have?
>> never thought i'd reach that point in my life.. but just in case.. 2
8. Do you have any pets?
>> none
9. Do you wanna change your name?
>> nope!
10. What did you do yesterday?
>> hindi natulog at tinapos ang hp7
11. Last time You had pizza?
>> forgot! ang tagal na pala!
12. What time did you wake up today?
>> mga 1:30
13. What were you doing at 10:30 p.m?
>> trabaho.. o petiks.. a little of both
14. Name something you CANNOT wait
>> death
15. Last time you saw your father?
>> can't remember.. heheheh!
16. What is one thing you wish you
could change about your life?
>> financial status, family principles
17. What are you listening to right
>> the bloomfields
18. Have you ever talked to Tom?
>> just read about him
19. Who's getting on your nerves right
>> si kingkong, si muji, si bossing.. sige na nga, di na masyado si kingkong
20. Most visited webpage?
>> blog ni jedi master, bwahahahah!
21. Coke or Pepsi?
>> coke
22. Have you seen anyone naked in the
past week?
>> huhuhuuh! wala po!
if you answered honestly to all these,
repost as
come on!
i'm really pissed off! and i really don't want to write at this state.. but i want to write about it as well.
guess, i'll browse a few pages and get back here..
after about a little more than an hour
okay.. i've created my simpsons avatar.. heheheh!
uploaded it in friendster.. removed a photo.. answered some messages.. ahh.. yeah.. read the latest entry in jedi master's blog. and answered a survey posted in the friendster bulettin board..
so, am i ready to talk about it? let's see.. i'm not that infuriated anymore. but i still can't help but feel bad about them. haaay..
haaaay.. nah! i'm not fit to write about it. on to other things!
25 July 2007
cracked another one.. the last
okay, so, it's not the last book i will crack.. but it's the last of the harry potter series!
waaaaaah! if i wasn't riding the jeepney.. tears would have fell as i finish the book. (haay.. again, fighting tears. a new hobby?!)
and i so badly want to release those tears! well, it almost.. but i followed a friend's advice and looked up.. heheheheh!
i'm not to write any spoilers here.. i might twist the facts.. hehehhehe! because i'm not that much of a fan. it really is a good read, that's why i got hooked. but up to the point of just reading.
i haven't got any decent sleep yet since this week started, and i really planned to sleep today. unfortunately, i wasn't able to put the book down. okay, i did fell asleep, because i really had no sleep yesterday (not counting the sleep i got while travelling). i dozed off for about an hour or less and it was already time to get up. i'm really determined to get some sleep tomorrow. thus, i need to get home early. hmmm.. no hobby?! maybe.. bwahahhahahah!
the saga was really great. and it's really sad to think that it has come to its end. one question though, and i'll look it up again, what was harry's job?! just curious. oh, well.
start to work!